Dr. Ram Charan Bhattacharya

Dr. Ram Charan Bhattacharya
Ram[dot]Bhattacharya[at] icar[dot]gov[dot]in
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Discipline: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology


  • Postdoc./ Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, USA
  • Ph. D. (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology), Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Research Interest

  • A major aspect of sustaining crop productivity is to protect the plants against diverse insect-pests and pathogens. Plants have a variety of defense responses deployed against insect pests and pathogens. These include the production of chemicals, from small organics to large proteins and enzymes. Our research interest focusses on understanding plant's defense mechanism, the associated signal transduction pathways and the component resistance genes. At present we are working on RNAi mediated strategies, genome editing and introgression of defense genes from wild species for developing insect-pest and pathogen resistance in Brassica oil seeds. 

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)
  • Recipient of Lal Bahadur Shastri Young Scientist Award for the biennium 2003-2004’ awarded by ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India
  • Recipient of ‘DBT Overseas Associateship Award 2004-05’, awarded by Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
  • Recipient of Young Scientist Award, awarded by Indian Science Congress Association for the year 2000-2001.


  • Duhlian L, Koramutla MK, Subramanian S, Chamola R, Bhattacharya R* (2020) Comparative transcriptomics revealed differential regulation of defense-related genes in Brassica juncea leading to successful and unsuccessful infestation by aphid species. Scientific Reports (In Press)
  •  Aminedi R, Dhatwalia D, Jain V, Bhattacharya R* (2019) High efficiency in planta transformation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) based on the spraying of floral buds Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 138: 229-237 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-019-01618-2
  • Saini N, Yashpal, Koramutla MK, Singh N, Singh S, Singh R, Yadav S, Bhattacharya R, Vasudev S, Yadava DK (2019) Promoter polymorphism in FAE1.1 and FAE1.2 genes associated with erucic acid content in Brassica juncea Mol. Breeding 39:75 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-019-0971-x
  • Koramutla MK, Chet Ram, Deepa Bhatt, Annamalai M, Bhattacharya R* (2019) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of sucrose synthase genes in allotetraploid Brassica juncea. Gene 707: 126-135 https://doi.org/10.1016/J.GENE.2019.04.059
  • Bisht DS, Bhatia V, Bhattacharya R* (2019) Improving plant-resistance to insect-pests and pathogens: the new opportunities through targeted genome editing. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 96: 67-76 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semcdb.2019.04.008
  • Watts A, Kumar V, Raipuria RK, Bhattacharya R* (2018) In vivo haploid production in crop plants: Methods and challenges. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 36: 685-694 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11105-018-1132-9
  • Bhatia V, Bhattacharya R* (2018) Host mediated RNAi of cuticular protein gene impaired fecundity in the green peach aphid Myzus persicae Pest Manag Sci. 74(9):2059-68 http://doi.org/10.1002/ps.4900
  • Bhatt D, Duhlian LZ, Koramutla MK, Dhatwalia D, Tamta S, Subramanian S, Bhattacharya R* (2018). Developmental genes related to parthenogenesis revealed sinusoidal pattern of gene expression in mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi. Indian Journal of Entomology 80: 1521-1530.   DOI No.: 10.5958/0974-8172.2018.00334.6
  • Vasupalli N, Rao M, Pant U, Bhattacharya R, Bhat SR (2017) Development and validation of donor-specific STS markers for tracking alien introgressions into Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Molecular Breeding 37: 110 DOI 10.1007/s11032-017-0714-9    
  • Chet Ram, Koramutla MK, Bhattacharya R* (2017). Identification and comprehensive evaluation of reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis of host gene-expression in Brassica juncea-aphid interaction using microarray data Plant Physiol Biochem 16:57-67. doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2017.05.004
  • Koramutla MK, Aminedi R, Bhattacharya R* (2016). A comprehensive evaluation of candidate reference genes for qRT-PCR studies of gene expression in mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt). Scientific Reports. 6: 25883. doi:10.1038/srep 25883.
  • Koramutla M, Bhat D, Negi M, Venkatachalam P, Jain PK and Bhattacharya R* (2016). Strength, stability, and cis-motifs of in silico identified phloem-specific promoters in Brassica juncea (L.). Front. Plant Sci. 7:457. DOI: 10.3389/ fpls.2016.00457
  • Bhatia V, Maisnam J, Jain A, Sharma KK, Bhattacharya R* (2015). Aphid-repellent pheromone E-β-farnesene is generated in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana over-expressing farnesyl diphosphate synthase2. Annals of Botany 115(4):581-91 (doi:10.1093/aob/mcu250).
  • Koramutla MK, Kaur A, Negi M, Venkatachalam P, Bhattacharya R* (2014) . Elicitation of jasmonate-mediated host defense in Brassica juncea (L.) attenuates population growth of mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.). Planta 240:177-94 
  • Bhattacharya R*, Koramutla MK, Negi M, Pearce G, Ryan CA (2013). Hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide signals in potatoes elicit signaling associated with defense against insects and pathogens. Plant Science 207: 88-97.
  • Bhatia V, Bhattacharya R*, Uniyal PL, Singh R, Niranjan RS (2012). Host Generated siRNAs Attenuate Expression of Serine Protease Gene in Myzus persicae. PLoS One 7(10): e46343 DOI. 10.1371
  • Chakraborty K, Sairam RK and Bhattacharya R (2012). Salinity induced expression of pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase determines salinity tolerance in Brassica spp. Acta Physiol. Plant 34: 1935-41.
  • Chakraborty K, Sairam RK and Bhattacharya R (2012). Differential expression of salt overly sensitive pathway genes salinity determines stress tolerance in Brassica genotypes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 51: 90- 101.
  • Bhatia Varnika, Uniyal Prem L., Bhattacharya R* (2011). Aphid resistance in Brassica crops: Challenges, biotechnological progress and emerging possibilities, Biotechnology Advances 29: 879-888 doi: 10.1016 /j.biotechadv. 2011.07.005
  • Karmakar R, Bhattacharya R, Kulshrestha G (2009). Comparative metabolism of thiamethoxam in tomato cell suspension culture and field conditions J. of Agril. & Food Chem. 57:6369-6374
  • Pearce, G., Bhattacharya R, Chen, Y., Barona, G., Yamaguchi Y and Ryan, C.A. (2009). Isolation and characterization of hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide signals in black nightshade leaves Plant Physiology 150: 1422-1433
  • Pearce G, Siems WM, Bhattacharya R, Chen YC and Ryan CA (2007). Three Hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptides derived from a single petunia polyprotein precursor activate defensin 1 of the innate immune response J.Biol.Chem. June 15; 282 (24): 17777-17784.
  • Mondal KK, Bhattacharya R, Koundal KR, and Chatterjee SC (2007). Transgenic Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) expressing tomato glucanase leads to arrested growth of Alternaria brassicae Plant Cell Report 26, (2): 247-252.
  • Bhattacharya R*, Maheswari M, Dineshkumar V, Kirti PB, Bhat SR and Chopra VL (2004). Transformation of Brassica oleracea var. capitata with bacterial beta gene enhances tolerance to salt stress. Scientia Horticulturae 100: 215-227.
  • Bhattacharya R*, Viswakarma N, Bhat SR, Kirti PB and Chopra VL (2002). Development of insect-resistant transgenic cabbage plants expressing a synthetic cryIA(b) gene from Bacillus thuringiensis Current Science 83, 2: 146-150.

Corresponding author



  • Bhattacharya R, Bhatia V (2015) Biotechnology for combining optimized productivity & stress tolerance in crops In: Technologies for livelihood enhancement. V L Chopra and S Kumar eds. New India Publishing Agency pp 147-172
  • Koudal KR and Bhattacharya R (2005) Potential of Biotechnology in Crop Improvement and Sustainable Agriculture In: Advances in Biotechnology. P.C. Trivedi, eds. Agrobios. pp 21-46.
  • Bhattacharya R, Bhatt SR and Chopra VL (1999) Biotechnology for increasing efficiency of plant breeding In: Applied Biotechnology.  V. L. Chopra, V. S. Malik and S. R. Bhat eds. Science Publishers Inc. USA. pp 237-267.
Name Designation Education Mobile Number Profile Picture
Muhammed Shamnas v PhD student MSc (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
Anuj Kumar PhD student MSc (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
Kanishk Diwekar PhD student MSc (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
Samrita Garnaik PhD student MSc (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)
R Hari Chandana MSc student BSc (Agricultural Sciences)
Kanchan BM Singh SRF PhD
Name Designation
Priyanka Kumari MSc
Muhammed Shamnas v MSc
Akash Paul MSc
Amresh Kumar JRF/SRF