Dr. Navin Chandra Gupta

Dr. Navin Chandra Gupta
Senior Scientist
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Discipline: Plant Biotechnology


PhD (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)

Research Interest

  • Use of genome engineering tools and other molecular and bioinformatics approaches to utilize them in oilseed Brassicacrop improvement program.

Arabidopsis thaliana

  • This is a model plant species with a small genome size of 125 Mb related toBrassicafamily. Here I am using the T-DNA insertional mutagenesis for activation tagging to clone the genes governing plant stature and other agronomically significant phenotype. Further, the identified genes/promoters are being used to develop molecular understandings about the processes in which they are involved.

Brassica juncea

  • Among the nine oilseed crops growing in India,Mustard is the second major oilseed crop next to groundnut and that are also used for vegetables and spices in northern part of the India. Here Genome editing/engineering tools like CRISPR/Cas9 system are being used to increase the Indian mustard productivity by targeting some specific genes or transcription factors to either suppress or induce their function in natural condition.

Awards & Honors

  • ICAR-JRF: 2003
  • CSIR-JRF/SRF: 2005
  1. Gupta NC, Jain PK, Bhat SR and Srinivasan R (2012). Upstream sequence of fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR6) of Arabidopsis thaliana drives wound-inducible and stem-specific expression. Plant Cell Report, 31: 839-850.
  2. Kumar PA, Mohapatra T, Sharma TR, Bhattacharya RC, Dash P, Gupta NC and Solanke AK (2011). Biotechnology and Crop Improvement. IJAS. 81 (9).
  3. Gupta NC, Sinha SK, Jolly M, Dubey N. and Sachdev A (2010). Antisense RNA-mediated inhibition of gmfad2-1 encoding omega-6-desaturase. Indian J. Plant Physiol., 14 (4): 336-343.

Book chapter:

  1. Gupta, N. C. and Jain, P. K. (2013). Cloning and haracterization of a wound-inducible promoter fromArabidopsis thaliana.Recent Advances in Biotechnology,ISBN-978-81-928063-1-0: 69-78.
Name of the Project Funding Agency
Genome editing in oilseed Brassica for crop improvement


Name Designation Education Mobile Number Profile Picture
P. Tiwari Student
A. Sharma Student
Name Designation
Priyanka Kumari MSc
Muhammed Shamnas v MSc
Akash Paul MSc
Amresh Kumar JRF/SRF