Dr. S.V. Amitha Charu Rama Mithra

Dr. S.V. Amitha Charu Rama Mithra
Senior Scientist
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Discipline: Plant Breeding


PhD, 2004(Genetics and Plant Breeding), IARI

Research Interest

  • Drought stress studies in rice to identify genes and QTLs that govern tolerance using different approaches such as structured esp, bi-parental and multi-parental mapping populations and genome-wide association mapping, integrating eQTLs with  phenotyping; development and use of SNP markers or assays for mapping traits in rice and other mandate crops of the institute; use of EMS mutant resources for functional genomics in rice; structural genomics in crop plants 

Awards & Honors

• CSIR - JRF - in 2000

• ICAR – in SRF -1999

• ICAR – In JRF -1997

• In the year 1997, B.Sc. Pioneer Batch Medal for Outstanding OGPA at the End of Final Year (Agriculture)

  • Giriraj Kumawat, Ranjeet S Raje, Sefali Bhutani, Jitendra K Pal, Amitha SVCR Mithra, Kishor Gaikwad, Tilak R Sharma and Nagendra K Singh. Molecular mapping of QTLs for plant type and earliness traits in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) BMC Genetics 2012, 13:84
  • Shanmugavadivel PS#, Amitha Mithra SV#, Prasad Dokku, Anand Raj Kumar K, Rao GJN, Singh VP, Singh AK, Singh NK, Mohapatra T. 2013Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain size in rice using a RIL population from Basmati x indica cross showing high segregation distortion. Euphytica 194(3): 401-416  (# these authors have contributed equally)
  • Nepolean T, Hossain F, Shiriga K, Mittal S, … Amitha SV Mithra, Mohapatra T and Gupta HS (2013). Unraveling the genetic architecture of subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) lines to assess their utility in breeding programs. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:877.
  • Dixit NN#, Prasad Dokku#, Amitha Mithra SV#, Parida SK, Singh AK, MohapatraT. 2013 Haplotype structure in grain weight gene GW2 locus and its association with grain characteristics in rice. Euphytica 192(1): 55-61 ( # these authors have contributed equally)
  • Mohapatra T,  Robin S, Sarla N, Sheshahsayee M, Singh AK, Singh K, Singh NK. Amitha Mithra SV and Sharma RP (2014). EMS Induced Mutants of Upland Rice Variety Nagina22: Generation and Characterization Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad. 80(1): 163-172.
  • Kapil K. Tiwari, Sasmita Pattnaik, Ashutosh Singh, Maninder Sandhu, S. V. Amitha Mithra, M. Z. Abdin, Ashok K. Singh, Trilochan Mohapatra (2014) Allelic variation in the microsatellite marker locus RM6100 linked to fertility restoration of WA based male sterility in rice Indian J. Genet., 74(4): 409-413.
  • Vinod Kumar±, Anshuman Singh±, SV Amitha Mithra±, SL Krishnamurthy, Swarup K Parida, Sourabh Jain, Kapil K Tiwari, Pankaj Kumar,  Atmakumari R Rao,  SK Sharma, Jitendra P Khurana, Nagendra K Singh, and Trilochan Mohapatra (2015) Genome-wide association mapping of salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) DNA Research 22(2): 133-145 doi: 10.1093/dnares/dsu046 (± these authors have contributed equally)
  • Kapil K Tiwari, Anshuman Singh, Sasmita Pattnaik, Maninder Sandhu, Sukhdeep Kaur, Sourabh Jain, Sushma Tiwari, Shweta Mehrotra, Mahender Anumalla, Rashmita Samal, Jyoti Bhardwaj, Neha Dubey, V Sahu, Gayle Alisha Kharshing, Patu Khate Zeliang, K Sreenivasan, Pankaj Kumar, Swarup K Parida, S V Amitha Mithra, Vandana Rai, Wricha Tyagi, Pawan  K Agarwal, A R Rao, Arunava Pattanayak, Girish Chandel, Ashok K Singh, I S Bisht,  K V Bhat, G J N Rao, Jitendra P Khurana, Nagendra K Singh and Trilochan Mohapatra (2015) Identification  of  a diverse mini-core panel of Indian rice germplasm based on genotyping using microsatellite markers Plant Breeding 134 (2), 164-171
  • Lima JM, P Dokku, M Nath, KP Kulkarni, C Vishwakarma, SP Sahoo, Uma B, Amitha Mithra SV, S Robin S, N Sarla, M Sheshashayee, AK Singh, NK Singh, RP Sharma and Trilochan Mohapatra (2015) Multiple morpho-physiological, anatomical and transcriptional alterations in a mutant of upland rice variety Nagina22 showing enhanced moisture-deficit stress tolerance AOB plants doi:10.1093/aobpla/plv023
  • Sasmita Patnaik, Vinod Kumar, Kapil K Tiwari, Chandra Prakash, Ashutosh Singh, Ashok. K. Singh, Niranjan Behera, Jogeswar Panigrahi, S V Amitha Mithra*,  and Trilochan Mohapatra (2015) Physiological and Molecular Basis of Water-Deficit Stress Tolerance in F1 Hybrids and Their Parental Lines Indian J. Genet., (in press)
Name Designation
Priyanka Kumari MSc
Muhammed Shamnas v MSc
Akash Paul MSc
Amresh Kumar JRF/SRF